The United Kingdom (UK) Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has published a UK REACH: Grandfathered Registrations Notified Substances List. According to an item in the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) October 1, 2021, UK REACH eBulletin, the list contains the names and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)/European Community (EC) numbers for substances taken from notifications made under UK REACH Article 127B(4)(a). Article 127B(4)(a) required registrants of a former European Union (EU) Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) registration grandfathered into UK REACH to notify HSE of basic information about their registration. These initial transitional data were submitted to HSE using the Comply with UK REACH service. The list covers data provided through July 1, 2021. HSE states that the substance information on the list has been taken from initial transitional data and that its accuracy is not guaranteed. For more information, please read the full memorandum.
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