B&C Authors Contribute to The Evolving Landscape of TSCA Reform Implementation Published by Bloomberg BNA
Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) is pleased to inform our clients and friends of the publication by Bloomberg BNA of EHS Strategies: The Evolving Landscape of TSCA Reform Implementation, the latest edition of BNA’s complimentary quarterly EHS Strategies report. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of recent Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) developments written by many of the key players in the development, passage, and implementation of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Lautenberg).
B&C Managing Partner Lynn L. Bergeson, Senior Government Affairs Consultant James V. Aidala, Senior Regulatory and Policy Advisor Charles M. Auer, Senior Chemist Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., and Senior Regulatory Chemist Oscar Hernandez, Ph.D. contributed “Enhancing TSCA Reform Implementation,” a paper appearing in Part I of the report. This paper, authored principally by former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials, all with long experience under old TSCA, provides suggestions for new approaches or “fixes” that could assist the agency and interested groups in moving toward smoother implementation of the new law.
Other papers available in Part I of the report include:
• “Lessons After One Year of TSCA Reforms,” Gavin P. Thompson, Ph.D., Principal Consultant for Ramboll Environ.
• “EPA’s New Chemical Delays Causing Ripple Effect,” Robert F. Helminiak, Managing Director of Government Relations, Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA).
• “Prioritizing Health Was Intent of New Chemicals Reforms,” Tom Udall, U.S. Senator, New Mexico.
• “New Chemical Bias Worse Than Ever,” Charles L. Franklin, Vice President and Counsel, Government Affairs, Portland Cement Association (formerly of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP) and Leonard W. Velsor, Senior Attorney, Eastman Chemical Company.
• “TSCA Implementation in the Eye of the Hurricane,” Richard A. Denison, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
Part II of the report contains a series of Bloomberg BNA news articles written by chemicals reporter Pat Rizzuto with contributions from reporter Tiffany Stecker, highlighting actions EPA has taken to implement policies mandated under Lautenberg and stakeholder perspectives on issues the regulated community will face as the new TSCA landscape continues to take shape. Both reporters’ insights and analysis make BNA the top-notch publication that it is.
The complimentary report is available from Bloomberg BNA at https://about.bna.com/2017-ehsstrategies.
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