McGregor & Legere is fully operational and ready to help you with any and all of your environmental, land use, energy, litigation, and now Covid-19 related governmental matters. Attorneys and staff are hard at work-at-home, in touch and in sync.
We are connected to each other, our clients, our files, our databases, other parties, the agencies, the courts, and the world. We receive our regular mail as well as deliveries. We meet with Comcast Business conference calling and video meetings.
For you potential clients contacting us for the first time, and for others visiting our articles, memos, checklists, and PowerPoints, here is what you need to know: this website is current and the Contact-Us feature works well.
For general questions or specific needs, please call or email Mr. McGregor at 617-338-6464, x123 or send and email to gimcg@mcgregorlaw.com.
If you do phone the office, and choose to just leave a message in the general mailbox, we monitor it twice a day. Be sure speak clearly, give us your name and town or business, and state your phone number twice.
Regardless whether you are a client or anyone else, if you have an emergency feel free to call Mr. McGregor any day of the week.
We’d be glad to hear from you on any pending matter, pressing need, potential client, or question you pose.