Written by Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.
There was no shortage of important 2020 developments in federal, state and local environmental law, despite Covid-19. This MCLE annual offering, co-chaired by firm founder Gregor McGregor, Esq. and former MassDEP counsel Pamela Harvey, Esq, features well-known speakers.
They will cover significant court cases and agency rulings in four main areas, MassDEP and US EPA updates from Commissioner Martin Suuberg, Esq. and Regional Counsel Carl Dierker, energy law trends, and advances in Environmental Justice, Municipal Law, Brownfields, and Climate Change. The program headlines its keynoter, Dr. Brent Blackwelder of Washington, DC, former President of Friends of the Earth, on the evolution of environmental law over 50 years since the original Earth Day.
Visit the site for more information and click here to register to attend.