Written by Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.

Gregor I. McGregor, Esq. of McGregor Legere Stevens PC on November 15 will present on Local Climate Action to the Massachusetts Society of Municipal Conservation Professionals (MSMCP).
This will build on the popular 2022 and 2023 Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC) presentations on the subject and Mr. McGregor’s presentation to the MA Municipal Lawyers Association (MMLA) last August.
Cities and towns need and want this valuable information, which includes reliable sources of actual wording to revise local Wetland Protection Regulations (without needing to amend the Home Rule Wetland Protection Bylaws) as well as to amend the Bylaws themselves to move a municipality from mere adaptation (reactive) to long-term resilience (proactive). Conservation Commissions have an important leadership regulatory role to play in this progress.
We need to move past mere climate adaptation (changing to fit the weather) and climate mitigation (ameliorating the impacts) to achieve climate resilience (planning and acting ahead to survive and thrive). This is critical to save money, time and people as climate change is upon us. We can and should predict what our cities and towns need to do respond and recover quickly and well. Fortunately, help is available now.
Attendees will receive information on the resource known as the Climate-Smart Wetland Regulations Provisions Website.
The MSMCP serves and supports municipal conservation staff and works to raise the level of professionalism through exchanging information, sharing technical and scientific information, promoting professional staffing for all cities and towns within the Commonwealth, and encouraging dialog among contiguous and regionally related Conservation Commissions and their staff. In addition, MSMCP collaborates with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and MACC through joint outreach and workshop programs. Visit MSMCP.org