Four Lewis, Longman & Walker Attorneys
Recognized by Who’s Who Legal

West Palm Beach, Fla., July 29, 2020 – Lewis, Longman & Walker attorneys Michelle Diffenderfer, Terry Lewis, Stephen Walker, and Alfred Malefatto have been included in the Who’s Who Legal Guide: Florida 2020 – Environment, an annual publication recognizing lawyers nominated by clients and peers. Nominees were selected based upon a comprehensive, independent survey with both general counsel and environmental lawyers in private practice state-wide. A few published comments:
Michelle Diffenderfer at Lewis Longman & Walker is “terrific for government-related environmental work” on drainage impacts, endangered species, wetland issues and the full gamut of water-related problems.
Alfred Malefatto is “a wonderful lawyer” renowned for his specialty in hazardous waste and land-use matters.
Who’s Who Legal recognizes private practice lawyers with a track record in providing advice to clients in transactional, litigation and regulatory matters. For more information, please visit https://whoswholegal.com/analysis/florida-2020–environment.
Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. is a statewide law firm with 30 attorneys and over 25 years of experience practicing in the areas of environmental, land use, real estate, litigation, legislative and governmental affairs. LLW has the experience to navigate complex local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Our offices are in Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Tampa, St. Petersburg and West Palm Beach. For more detailed information on our qualifications, visit our website at www.llw-law.com.