Environmental Law & Policy Alerts – Update from Somach, Simmons & Dunn

January 27, 2021

Colorado Division of Water Resources Extends Public Comment Period for First-Ever Revisions to Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations
If you live in the Colorado Front Range region, your treated water supply may have or currently include groundwater from the Denver Basin aquifer system.  If you are one of the many communities, businesses or individuals who rely on it for drinking water and much more, you should be aware that for the first time since the regulations were originally adopted in 1986, the Colorado Office of the State Engineer (SEO) will be updating its Statewide Nontributary Groundwater Rules (“Nontributary Rules”).  The SEO published the proposed revisions to the Nontributary Rules in December 2020, and will hold a rulemaking hearing on March 3, 2021.  Several Front Range municipalities are participating as parties to the rulemaking, and while the opportunity to join the proceeding has passed, interested stakeholders still have until February 22 to file comments or written testimony to be considered at the hearing and included as part of the public record for the rulemaking…. Read More

Written by Daniel J. Condren