June 17, 2020
Aftermarket Vehicle Parts Industry: CARB Considers Updating Its 30-Year Old Procedures for Exemptions to Aftermarket Parts
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is conducting a remote public hearing on July 23, 2020 at 9:00 a.m., to consider adopting “Procedures for the Exemption of Add-On and Modified Part(s) for On-Road Vehicles/Engines” (Proposed Procedures), which will update the 1990 procedures under which manufacturers receive exemptions from state law, allowing the marketing, selling, and/or installing of aftermarket parts. CARB intends the Proposed Procedures to streamline the aftermarket product exemption process by clarifying the scope of information and testing required upon filing. Such changes are expected to result in quicker application processing, allowing aftermarket products to go to market faster. … Read More
Written by Alyson E. Ackerman