Zero Waste Act Introduced
By U.S. Representative Omar
On July 25, 2019, U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN)
introduced the Zero Waste Act, which intends to create a federal grant program
to invest in solutions that address waste. The bill, if passed, will
go towards recycling infrastructure or the creation of partnerships with local
businesses focused on waste reduction. Representative Omar believes the bill
will not only create jobs, but also reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, grow
domestic manufacturing, clean waterways, save energy, ensure safety from health
hazards, and grow the U.S. economy. Omar’s bill has been endorsed by several
organizations, including the City of Minneapolis, Eureka Recycling, Climate
Generation, and Surfrider Foundation, among others. Presenting this bill
through the lens that waste is an environmental justice issue, Representative
Omar stated that “[a]ddressing the waste crisis is critical to preventing
further damage to our climate—it is integral to racial justice and a clean,
equitable future.” At a time where climate change debates have been of high
interest to the U.S. population, in particular as the presidential candidate
debates continue, it will be interesting to see whether this bill is passed.
The full text of the bill can be accessed here.
EPA Assistant Administrator
Dunn Speaks About The Future Of TSCA
On July 25, 2019, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) hosted a
webinar titled “New TSCA at 3: Key Implementation Issues” led by B&C’s
Managing Partner, Lynn L. Bergeson. Webinar speakers included the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Assistant Administrator, Alexandra
Dapolito Dunn, and B&C’s Director of Chemistry and former EPA staff,
Richard E. Engler, Ph.D. Assistant Administrator Dunn’s presentation outlined
EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP)
accomplishments and priorities three years after the amendment of the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA). Some of the most recent accomplishments
highlighted by Assistant Administrator Dunn included OCSPP’s update to the TSCA
Chemical Substance Inventory in designating substances as “active” in commerce,
the selection of the first 40 chemicals for prioritization, and consumer
protection measures, among others. In addition, Dunn also highlighted OCSPP’s
priorities for the future implementation of TSCA:
- Publication of the draft
dossiers for substances designated as high- and low-priority in the Federal Register for
public comment expected as follows:
- Summer 2019, for low-priority substances; and
- End of 2019, for high-priority substances;
- Summer 2019, for low-priority substances; and
- Risk evaluations on the 20
high-priority chemicals and designation of the 20 low-priority chemicals
by December 22, 2019;
- Issue of draft scopes for public comment prior to issuing statutorily required final scopes six months after initiating the risk evaluation.
Assistant Administrator Dunn’s remarks also
included EPA’s efforts for increased transparency through the publishing of
information about new chemicals’ TSCA Confidential Business Information (CBI)
claim reviews, which began in early July 2019. Bergeson and Engler commended
Dunn’s efforts in implementing TSCA, and especially EPA’s efforts in increasing
new chemical transparency. Engler urged businesses submitting new chemical
notices to EPA to review carefully its submission prior to providing it to EPA
to ensure that no CBI is made publicly available when new chemical notices are
published. Following these discussions, questions from webinar attendees were
accepted until the very last minute of the webinar. The full recording of the
webinar can be accessed here.
DOE Announces Winners Of
AIM Onshore Competition
On July 29, 2019, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announced the winners
of the American Inventions Made Onshore (AIM Onshore) Prize Competition.
Opened in 2018, this competition was an initiative aimed at closing the gap
between American innovators who develop new energy technologies and
manufacturers who produce them. Selected among four finalists, two winners were
awarded for their innovative proposals. In first place was Fuzehub, awarded
$250,000, and in second place was ADL Ventures, awarded $100,000. Fuzehub is a
non-profit organization in New York that connects the State’s small and
mid-sized manufacturing companies with resources, programs, and technology and
business growth expertise. ADL Ventures develops and deploys emerging
technology-enabled business solutions for legacy sector companies.
EPA Holds Public Hearing On
RVO Proposed Rule Under RFS
On July 31, 2019, EPA held a public hearing in Ypsilanti,
MI, to obtain stakeholders’ input on its proposed rule to set Renewable Fuel
Standard (RFS) 2020 renewable volume obligations (RVO) and 2021
biomass-based diesel volume. Among the various stakeholders
providing oral statements to EPA were representatives from Growth Energy, the
National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the Renewable Fuels Association
(RFA), Hero BX, and the National Biodiesel Board (NBB). Most of the oral comments
provided were in opposition to the proposed rule. Industry representatives
highly critized the proposed rule, stating that the RVOs proposed were
unreasonable and would negatively impact economic growth through demand
destruction and job losses. Many stakeholders also expressed disappointment
that, in its proposed rule, EPA failed to account for approved Small Refinery
Exemptions (SRE) granted. In agreement with other stakeholders’ comments,
Growth Energy’s Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Chris Bliley, stated that
progress made thus far under the RFS Program is being threatened by this
proposal. Bliley also added that too many exemptions have been granted in
secrecy by EPA. Criticism was also made regarding compliance costs and its
negative impact on jobs should this rule be approved. Tim Keaveney, Executive
Vice President of Business Development at Hero BX, urged EPA to raise the RVOs
for biodiesel to enable further industry growth. Overall, there seemed to be a
general agreement that the proposed rule betrays President Trump’s commitment
to maintaining the RFS Program.
Product Stewardship
Conference — September 10-12, 2019
In September 2019, the Product Stewardship Society will be hosting its
annual Product Stewardship Conference in Columbus, OH. B&C
Regulatory Chemist, Scott J. Burya, Ph.D., will be presenting a
session on regulatory barriers to innovation and how to address them. Dr.
Burya’s work at B&C focuses on product development, quantitative risk
assessments, and navigation of state and federal regulations.
First Annual GreenTech
Conference — October 2-3, 2019
B&C is proud to sponsor the 2019 GreenTech Conference
that will take place in October 2019, in Seattle, WA. Designed to provide
attendees with an opportunity to engage with leaders from innovative companies,
policymakers, technologists, and non-profit organizations, this conference is
focused on environmental protection in this era of transformative technological
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Science Codex, “Solar Energy Becomes Biofuel without Solar Cells” |
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ScienceDirect, “Development of a Biorefinery Scheme to Produce Biofuels
from Waste Cooking Oil” |
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Sierra Sun Times, “U.S. Senators Renew Bipartisan Effort to Repeal Ethanol
Mandate” |
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Feedstuffs, “EPA Issued RFS Exemptions against DOE Advice” |
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The Philadelphia Inquirer, “Trump Administration Official Visits Delaware County
Refinery to Hear Gripes about Ethanol” |
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Forbes, “Researchers Develop Technology to Harness Energy from
Mixing of Freshwater and Seawater” |
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Business Recorder, “US Ethanol Industry Nearing Breaking Point” |
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The Hindu Business Line, “Adding Sugar and Salt to Catalyse Production of
Biofuels” |
■ | Successful Farming, “Update 1 – EPA Chief Defends Biofuel Waivers in Meeting with Farm Senators – Sources” |
Biobased and Renewable Products Advocacy Group 2200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Suite 100W Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 833-6580 www.braginfo.org |